Alumni Class Lookup

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Full Name Grad Year Died
Joe Connally 6 1969 - Picture
Ron Cotton 6 1969 - Picture Dec
Kenneth Dinkins 6 1969 - Picture
Jose Esquivel 6 1969 - Picture
Larry Grizzell 6 1969 - Picture
Joe Harber 6 1969 - Picture
Don Holland 6 1969 - Picture Dec
Merle Howard 6 1969 - Picture
Victor Jarrell 6 1969 - Picture
Victor Jordan 6 1969 - Picture
Jerry Jorgenson 6 1969 - Picture
Leonard Levy 6 1969 - Picture Dec
Frank Lott 6 1969 - Picture Dec
George Mansfield 6 1969 - Picture
Garry Martin 6 1969 - Picture
Kent Martin 6 1969 - Picture
Clifford May 6 1969 - Picture Dec
Alfred McCurchin 6 1969 - Picture
Jesse Olivo 6 1969 - Picture
Kenneth Page 6 1969 - Picture


