Alumni Class Lookup

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Full Name Grad Year Died
Maxine Mauck 1 1969 - Picture
Russell Mauck 1 1969 - Picture Dec
Gene Mickey 1 1969 - Picture
Pedro Moreno 1 1969 - Picture
Edward Myers 1 1969 - Picture
Edwin Myers 1 1969 - Picture
Perry O'Dell 1 1969 - Picture
Lloyd Overby 1 1969 - Picture
James Sinyard 1 1969 - Picture
Daniel Skaggs 1 1969 - Picture
Alfonso Villa 1 1969 - Picture
Ron Wallace 1 1969 - Picture
Lewis Willis 1 1969 - Picture
Tommy Blalock 6 1969 - Picture
John Boor 6 1969 - Picture
Cecil Bradley 6 1969 - Picture
Delbert Bradley 6 1969 - Picture
Jerry Browning 6 1969 - Picture Dec
Cecil Bunch 6 1969 - Picture Dec
Milton Caraway 6 1969 - Picture


