Alumni Class Lookup

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Full Name Grad Year Died
Meri Allen 6 1966 - Picture
Leroy Aragon 6 1966 - Picture
Ken Baird 6 1966 - Picture
Kenneth Black 6 1966 - Picture
Leroy Boatwright 6 1966 - Picture Dec
David Bryant 6 1966 - Picture Dec
Bill Bunting 6 1966 - Picture
Lynndon Campbell 6 1966 - Picture
Homar Carrillo 6 1966 - Picture
Steve Carrizal 6 1966 - Picture
Buddy Coonfield 6 1966 - Picture
Vernon Crooks 6 1966 - Picture Dec
Prebisterio DeLaRosa 6 1966 - Picture Dec
Jim Dillinger 6 1966 - Picture
Carlos Escomilla 6 1966 - Picture
B. A. Fudge 6 1966 - Picture Dec
Glen Fulcher 6 1966 - Picture
Otis Hamby 6 1966 - Picture
Otis Hanby 6 1966 - Picture
Norm Herron 6 1966 - Picture

