This form is for alumni only. Incoming and current students, do not fill this out.
At this time, the application for degrees are being offered to alumni of Sunset. After an initial enrollment from these, we will open up enrollment to others. We will be making updates to our primary website as details become available.
For more information regarding our Degree Program including our rationale and questions you may have visit the Degree Program at SIBI.
To apply for the Bachelor's Program, please do the following:
- Complete the application below. You will also need to submit a non-refundable $25 application fee. Your application will not be processed without payment.
- Wait for our response, confirming your qualifications for the program and your requirements for completion.
- Be prepared to pay, either by check or credit card, a minimum fee of $350, covering the processing costs and the completion requirements.
- Finish the course work (The Ministry Portfolio and The Minister's Spiritual Life at in a timely basis and be prepared to receive your degree at the next graduation exercises of Sunset International Bible Institute.
If you have submitted the application but not paid your $25 application fee, you may do so here.
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